Townhall Meeting

Sven TanApril 19, 2024

A New Beginning

Our club convened for the first time in what turned out to be an exhilarating encounter. It was truly inspiring to meet all the subcommittee and executive committee members face-to-face. Together, we stand ready to embark on this new journey.


The meeting kicked off with Jet, our Welfare Exco, leading a series of icebreaker activities including whack-a-mole and presentation trivia. These fun games provided a perfect opportunity for everyone to mingle and interact more personally.

Ms Sun

Following the icebreakers, our Club Advisor, Ms. Sun, delivered an engaging speech. She shared insights into her background, her achievements, and her aspirations for the club, setting a motivational tone for the meeting.


The executive committee members then took the stage to report on their respective areas. Joshua discussed upcoming initiatives for social media and branding, while Sven outlined both his and Zi Qiang's strategic vision for logistics and operations.


Armed with a deeper understanding of the progress made so far, we engaged in group discussions to further refine and plan our strategies moving forward.


The meeting concluded on a high note, with everyone leaving invigorated and committed. It was clear we have a dedicated team eager to contribute to the success of the club.

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